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From the G.S. - February 2025

Writer's picture: Jeremy kamerJeremy kamer

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As we step into February, I want to take a moment to reflect on the blessings of the past month and the work God is doing among us. One of the highlights of January was my visit to Russell Christian Baptist Church, where Pastor Gaven and Elizabeth Traylor serve. It was a joy to experience their hospitality, engage in great fellowship, and witness firsthand the heart they have for their church and community. Pastor Gaven provided great comfort to their congregation as one of the members had passed away in the week prior. This was Pastor Gaven’s first funeral at Russell, and he handled it with grace and compassion. Please continue to keep him, his family, and the church in your prayers as they faithfully serve the Lord.

In addition to this, we gathered for our quarterly Ministers' Conference on the first Saturday of February. The service was blessed by the singing of Pastor Aaron Lore and his wife, Samantha, from Seventh Street Christian Baptist. Our Assistant General Superintendent and Pastor of Bonser Run Christian Baptist, Brother Danny Deck, brought a powerful message that challenged and encouraged us all.

Following the conference, we enjoyed a wonderful meal prepared by Willing Hearts. We then moved into our General Board meeting, where key decisions were made to further the work of the Lord among our churches. I am pleased to announce that Aaron Lore and Rick Scifres were appointed to fill two vacant trustee positions. I appreciate these men for their willingness to serve and their dedication to the work of the Lord.

As we move forward, let us remain committed to faithfulness in our churches, in our fellowship, and in our service to God. Last month I wrote about discipling believers to commit to faithfully attending. This month, what about finding those who help serve in and through the church? The answer is surprisingly simple and complex. Ask. 

Recently, I've been reminded of this simple task of asking people directly. When you need help, asking as a large church announcement doesn't work well when you have a specific role for someone to fulfill. You need to ask them directly. In my reading, my mind was directed to a passage I had never before applied to this regarding helpers, teachers, board members - ..."ye have not, because ye ask not" (James 4:2). 

When we were looking for a new Sunday School Teacher, it wasn't announced from the pulpit. Instead, I asked God to lay someone on our heart and for God to work on their heart. When that person was brought to our mind, we asked them directly. When God impressed on our heart for certain individuals to become deacons, they were asked face to face. 

If you need help in your church, ask. Ask the Lord to guide you to the person and go and Ask them.  Ask the people directly to serve. If it's announced from the pulpit, then it can easily be shrugged off as something another person could do. If you need help from the conference. Ask. Don't be afraid, ask!

Thank you for your continued prayers and dedication. I look forward to what God has in store for us in the coming months.

In Christ,

Jeremy Kamer

General Superintendent

Christian Baptist Association

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